Board Of Revenue Madhya Pradesh
मध्य प्रदेश राजस्व मण्डल ISO 9001-2015 Certified

About Board of Revenue

In the erstwhile Madhya Bharat State, the Board of Revenue was constituted by ordinance in 1948. Similarly in Vindhya Pradesh, Board of Revenue was constituted by ordinance in 1948. In old Madhya Pradesh Board of Revenue came into existence through Central Provinces Board of Revenue. Ordinance,1949.In the State of Rajasthan, from where area of Sironj had come to Madhya Pradesh, had its own Board of Revenue. Only Bhopal was such a State where no such institution existed and all power of appeal and review were exercised by the State Government. The State Government transferred these powers to Assistant Chief Commissioner.

Immediately after the formation of the State of Madhya Pradesh Government through Rajpatra Extraordinary dated 1st November 1956 constituted Board of Revenue which exercised jurisdiction under various regional acts. By notification no 12-1-A dated 1st November 1956 the State Government delegated appellate and revisional powers of Assistant Chief Secretary to the newly constituted Board of Revenue.


In the year 2011 Government of Madhya Pradesh by amendment in the MPLRC of 1959 has vested all revisional powers in the Board of Revenue.


State Government has appointed Gwalior as the Principal Seat of Board of Revenue. In Addition to this circuit courts of Revenue Board are being held at Rewa, Indore, Jabalpur, Bhopal, Ujjain & Sager Divisional headquarters.


Revenue Board, has been constituted under Madhya Pradesh. Land Revenue Code 1959. It is the Highest Court of appeal/ revision in revenue cases. In addition to this under other acts like M.P. Excise Act and Indian Stamp Act etc., Revenue Board has been appoint to act as the Chief Revenue Controlling Authority.


Sh. Ashwini Kumar Rai

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